4 Tips for Achieving Good Communication Skills

Good communication skills are crucial to success in life, work, and relationships. Without effective communication, a message can become an error, misunderstanding, frustration, or even disaster by being misinterpreted or poorly delivered. Blog post description.

by Z. Hereford

communication skills
communication skills

Good communication skills are crucial to success in life, work, and relationships. 

Without effective communication, a message can become an error, misunderstanding, frustration, or even disaster by being misinterpreted or poorly delivered. 

According to a study published by The International Journal of Business Communication, 354 managers were asked to rank competencies in hiring university graduates.

They established that effective communication skills are the most desirable quality in a new hire and concluded that communication skills are more important than ever for business and professional success. 

Communication is the process by which we exchange information between individuals or groups. It is a process in which we try to convey our thoughts, intentions, and objectives as clearly and accurately as we can. 

Communication is successful only when the sender and the receiver understand the same information.

In today's highly informational and technological environment, it has become increasingly important to have good communication skills.

While many continue to struggle, the inability to communicate effectively will hold them back in their careers and social and personal relationships. 

Top 4 steps for acquiring good communication skills:

1. Know what you want to say and why. Understand clearly the purpose and intent of your message. Know to whom you are communicating and why. Consider any barriers, such as cultural differences or situational circumstances (gender, age, or economic biases). Ask yourself what outcome you want to achieve and the impression you want to leave. 

2. How will you say it? We're all aware by now that it's not always what you say but how you say it that counts. Begin by making eye contact. You inspire trust and confidence when you look a person in the eyes when you speak. 

Second, be aware of your body language since it can say as much, or more, than your words. By standing with arms easily at your side, you tell others that you are approachable and open to hearing what they have to say. 

If, instead, your arms are crossed and shoulders hunched, it suggests disinterest or unwillingness to communicate. Good posture and an approachable stance help make even tricky communication flow more smoothly. Make sure you speak in a cooperative, non-adversarial tone. Be nonjudgmental. 

3. Listen. Communication is a two-way street. After you've said what you have to say, stop, listen, and look for feedback and clues of comprehension. 

While the person is responding, avoid any impulses to cut them off or listen only for the end of the sentence so that you can blurt out more ideas or thoughts that come to your mind. Respectfully give them your full attention. 

When they are finished, to ensure that your message has been clearly and correctly understood, ask open questions and encourage discussion. Fine-tune your message, if necessary. 


4. Reach understanding, agreement, or consensus. Once you have had the opportunity to discuss your message and its feedback, re-visit the purpose of the interchange. Have you reached common ground, solved a problem, or clarified your position? 

Have you accomplished your goal if the purpose was to teach or instruct? To communicate well is to understand and be understood. Ensure your message has been received as intended and any questions or concerns have been alleviated. 

You can even agree to disagree. Although your communication efforts may not be met with total compliance and agreement, you can still have a successful exchange if you understand each other and are cordial and respectful. 

More Great Tips for Good Communication Skills:

➔ Expand your vocabulary. To acquire a better command of the English language (or any other language), expand your vocabulary by reading and writing more. Look up unfamiliar words. The better you can express yourself, the better your ability to communicate. 

➔ Practice your listening skills. Be considerate of other speakers by waiting until they are done before responding. Really listen!

➔ Be open-minded. By being open-minded and trying to see things from another's perspective, you will learn to understand and appreciate opposing points of view. In doing so, you will achieve greater cooperation, understanding, and respect.


➔Stay calm and relaxed. Avoid trying to communicate when in an emotional state. You lose objectivity and may say something inappropriate or regrettable. Take time to think your position through before speaking. 

➔ Practice speaking in front of others. Join an organization such as Toastmasters that encourages you to develop various communication skills, including public speaking, meeting new and interesting people, and learning about an array of new topics. 

When you take the time to acquire and hone good communication skills, you open yourself up to better relationships, more career opportunities, and increased self-confidence. 

Moreover, you reach higher levels of mutual understanding and cooperation while successfully attaining your goals. 

All new skills take time to refine; however, with effort and practice, you can develop good, even exceptional, communication skills.